Changelog 2023
The history of MindLi in 2023
This release introduces sharing and collaborations and a comprehensive list of new features and capabilities:
- You can now invite collaborators to Group Boxes and work together on Sparks!
- Added capability for shared Boxes (future prep)
- Can now pull to refresh sparks inside a Box
- Added new deep links for the app now have a web landing page for better UX if the app is not installed / available (currently on Box invite links only, will be applied more broadly soon!)
- Added new “Open in Browser” action for Sparks with URLs
- Supports creating Sparks from other apps by sharing files
- Added the ability to pull to refresh Boxes in Plan mode
- Added an x button in the text field for searching Boxes in the Box picker
- Added analytics events for the onboarding flow
- Can now add new Boxes inside other Box views (from the top + menu)
- Default Spark type is now Note Spark
- Added Stat events for sharing and leaving Boxes
- Improved support for creating Sparks when URLs don’t start with http:// or https://
- Added the Inbox icon
- Improved animations (iOS)
- Added an option to request email change for your account
- Improved experience when capturing file Sparks
- Added infrastructure for push notifications
- Will now ask for push notification permissions after logging in
- Added forgot password option after logging in
- Graphics updates to Thinking Views
- Changed the icons in the Box picker
- Added confirmation when leaving a shared Box
- Disabled app in landscape view
- Added a new password field with the ability to see the password (eye icon)
- Change Text: in Settings
- Adding Licenses page to Settings
- Fix Confirmation of deleting Box to the new confirmation style
- Adding confirmation to invite collaborators
- Show the default box icon on Settings
- First version in the Apple store
- First version of Graphics